Simple Steps To improve Your Communication Skills - IAMT
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Simple Steps To improve Your Communication Skills

September 14, 2022

1. Learn how to listen
All great communicators are also great at listening. Only by listening can you understand the point of view of the person you are speaking to and be able to tweak the way you present your ideas in a way that appeals most to their interests. Listening completely prepares you for answering in an effective way.

Start by paying attention to whoever is talking to you and don’t let your mind wander away.

2. Coordinate your body and words It’s important that your body says whatever you are saying. Body language including gestures and overall posture must be reflecting what you are trying to communicate. Listeners get a little suspicious of your intentions if your body and words don’t coordinate.

3. Maintain eye contact
Eye contact also has great value. When you maintain eye contact with an audience while communicating with them, it reassures them that you are honest and sincere. People tend to believe you more when you maintain eye contact with them.

4. Speak slowly
It literally doesn’t mean that you bore the audience with your low pitch and dragging speed. You just have to ensure that your speed is balanced, and people can clearly listen to each word you are saying.

5. Engage the listener
Engaging the listener means communicating in such a manner that people are interested in talking to you. Use simple and easy to understand words which appeal to the listener’s emotions along with their logic. This is essentially important if you want to become an exceptional communicator.

6. Tell stories (real ones)
Nothing gets the audience like stories and meaningful examples. You totally sell it when you tell a story. People listen to you more carefully and they become more interested. When you tell real life stories and examples people understand that you are experienced and know what you are saying. Also, people always like to hear about what others did more than just listening to statistics.

7. Let people participate
Be that friendly person who never gets offended when people ask questions. This not only makes people more interested but you get to learn, and people value you more. Nothing can prove your authenticity like an open question and answer session.

8. Use humor
Humor is important if you want to sell your stories. Humor helps in impressing listeners, validates your stories and polishes your existing skill. You should never be concerned about being a little clever and using humor.

9. Maintain positivity
This comes with a great smile and exceptional attitude. People should feel comfortable and motivated when talking to you because you have a strong positive attitude.

10. Practice makes perfect
Pretty old but yet valid. This can take you a long way. The best approach is to practice communicating a lot. Whatever you intend to do, rehearse it. While rehearsing you’ll be able to analyze the pros and cons of your communication and fill in the gaps. Remember that becoming an effective communicator requires you to keep learning and improving yourself every day. Some of the great communicators of the past were constant students of this art and were never happy to rest on their laurels. Keep learning and communicating lifelong!