Importance Of English Communication Skills In Hospitality Industry - IAMT
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Importance Of English Communication Skills In Hospitality Industry

September 6, 2022

Being the most widely spoken language in the world, it makes sense that English is vital within the hospitality sector. The world of hospitality involves travel and tourism and so having a main language across the world that’s spoken by all employees in this field is important. Whether a person is employed by a hotel, restaurant or travel agents in a non English speaking country, you can expect them to have a good level of English. Although many countries around the world have their own unique tourism treasures, they share a common language and this puts workers as well as travelers at ease. Remember, in the hospitality sector, no matter where you’re working, you’re likely to meet people from across the world and many of them will likely to communicate with you in English. The government explained that this is a big step in the personal and professional development of employees and it led to a trend in even non-sector members wanting to learn English.